Google Workspace vs Microsoft 365 - Which Office Suite is Best for Collaboration

August 23, 2021


Gone are the days of physically passing documents and memos to colleagues. The world has gone digital, and software companies know it. This is why we have Google Workspace and Microsoft 365, two of the top office suite software on the market today. Both provide an array of powerful tools like document creation and editing, presentation development, email hosting, and of course, collaboration. With this in mind, this blog post intends to give an unbiased comparison of the two suites, specifically in the context of collaboration.

Round 1: User Interface

When it comes to interface, both suites have a user-friendly layout that is easy to navigate, making it easy for users to find what they need. However, Google Workspace offers a more simplistic design, while Microsoft 365 provides more elaborate menus and customization options. This means that Google Workspace has a more clean and straightforward layout, but Microsoft 365 offers more control over the interface.

Winner: It's a tie. It all depends on your preference.

Round 2: Real-Time Editing

Collaboration tools are critical in today's digital work environment. Google Workspace's real-time editing feature allows users to work on the same document simultaneously, with every revision instantly reflected in real-time. Microsoft 365, on the other hand, has a co-authoring feature that permits users to work on a shared document at the same time.

According to a survey conducted by Spiceworks, over 47% of businesses using Google Workspace consider it better suited for real-time editing, while Microsoft 365 is preferred by 36.9% for this feature.

Winner: Google Workspace

Round 3: File Sharing

Both platforms have intuitive file-sharing capabilities that allow users to easily share files and folders with others. However, Google Workspace has a better integration with Google Drive, making it easier to attach files and share them directly, while Microsoft 365 relies more on OneDrive.

Winner: Google Workspace

Round 4: Add-Ons and Plugins

Both suites offer a range of add-ons and plugins, but Google Workspace has more Google-developed integrations than Microsoft 365 does.

Winner: Google Workspace

Round 5: Pricing

Pricing-wise, Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace offer similar plans starting at $5/user/month, with both offering additional enterprise-level plans. However, Google Workspace includes more features as standard, making it a more cost-effective option.

Winner: Google Workspace


It is not difficult to see that Google Workspace takes the prize when it comes to collaboration features, being the clear winner in three of the five rounds. But before you make your decision, consider your organization's needs and make sure to review all the other features each suite offers. Both Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 have their respective strengths, and ultimately, the choice between the two will be based on your individual needs.


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